This 3-Ingredient Chia Pudding is made with almond milk, chia seeds and sugar of decision; it's a sound bite stacked with protein, fiber and solid fats!
It's 3:00pm and you're feeling doused from the day. Be that as it may, you know the critical step of the day (particularly in the event that you have children) ain't finished at this point. This is the point at which you go after that jolt of energy nibble. I need you to include one progressively solid, simple and topping nibble to that line-off: chia pudding! I make my chia pudding with just 3 fixings: chia seeds, milk and a sugar of decision.
At the point when it settles in the ice chest, it has a pudding surface, stunning flavor and fits perpetual garnish prospects. It's a tidbit will leave you feeling fulfilled, satisfied thus stimulated for your day!
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- 2 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1/2 cup almond milk or milk of choice
- 1 teaspoon honey or other sweetener, optional
- Strawberries or other fruits for topping
- Pour ingredients into a jar and mix well. Let settle for 2-3 minutes then mix again very well until you see no clumping.
- Cover the jar and store in fridge overnight or for at least 2 hours.
- When you're ready to eat it, top with your favorite fruit and enjoy cold!
For More Details : bit.ly/3dhPrSZ