How to Make Fresh Fruit Popsicles #desserts #frozenrecipe

How to Make Fresh Fruit Popsicles #desserts #frozenrecipe

These crisp natural product popsicles are such a vivid and heavenly approach to remain cool this late spring! They are truly lovely and they're so natural to make! They'd make an extraordinary summer treat, evening nibble, or even a morning meal for the street (well, some portion of a morning meal in any case. I don't think about you, yet I eat more than that for breakfast… ).

We purchased a raspberry bramble from Kijiji a weekend ago (that is our likeness Craigslist here in Canada). A few stalks, yet an entire cracking raspberry hedge. I am past amped up for heading outside and having new raspberries each and every day! We pressed the children into the van, drove out to some woman's home, and the three children went around her modest back yard like crooks while my significant other uncovered the raspberry shrub (it was greater than we were anticipating).

This woman obviously didn't have any youngsters, so the main thing for the children to play on was a stage stool. What's more, goodness, you wouldn't accept how frequently I needed to make a frantic scramble to get one of the children before they stepped right now garden beds! Shows the amount of a green thumb I have of late, in light of the fact that plainly, my children are not used to the idea of a nursery bed.


How to Make Fresh Fruit Popsicles #desserts #frozenrecipe


  • 2 Kiwis
  • 2 Peaches
  • 1 cup Strawberries
  • 1/2 cup Raspberries
  • 1/2 cup Blueberries
  • 2 cups Apple Juice


  1. Peel and slice the kiwis and peaches into 1/4" slices
  2. Slice the strawberries into thirds.
  3. Press the strawberry, kiwi and peach slices into the bottom of each mold. Use a popsicle stick to press them against the sides of the mold.
  4. Add blueberries and raspberries to fill the gaps.
  5. Add as much fruit as you can fit into the mold, continuing to press it against the sides.
  6. Fill the molds with apple juice, leaving about 1/8" space at the top for the juice to expand when it freezes.
  7. Freeze the popsicles overnight.
  8. Run the molds under hot water to help the popsicles release.
  9. Enjoy!

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