Peanut Butter Cereal Bites – These are soooo good! #desserts #healthy

Peanut Butter Cereal Bites – These are soooo good! #desserts #healthy

OK. Nutty spread? Yum. Nectar? Yum. (I simply licked my fingers so I could type this.) These nutty spread oat nibbles are sooooo acceptable!

I've eaten 4 (or is it 5 now?) of them since I made them at the beginning of today. Yum! I can't support myself! I pushed off my lunch until practically 2pm in light of the fact that I was so full. Nutty spread has heaps of protien, so they truly make an extraordinary evening bite to control your hunger. Or on the other hand they're a pleasant breakfast in case you're on the run!

've been perusing a ton of plans for these nutty spread grain nibbles on the web, and many individuals appear to have issues with getting them to set and be firm. I tried various strategies for making them and I at last got mine to turn out to be impeccably! So I would now be able to state that (at any rate for me), the formula toward the finish of this post works, and they set completely well for me.

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Peanut Butter Cereal Bites – These are soooo good! #desserts #healthy


  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 4 cups plain Cheerios


  1. Add the honey and peanut butter to a large, microwave safe bowl.
  2. Microwave on high for 1 minute. Remove and stir until well combined.
  3. Return the bowl to the microwave for another 30 to 45 seconds.
  4. Add the vanilla extract and stir well.
  5. Add the Cheerios and stir until the cereal is well coated.
  6. Drop portions onto a parchment lined baking sheet (or into cupcake liners). Allow them to set. They should harden up enough to pick them up within half an hour, but it takes a few hours for them to be more firm.
  7. Enjoy!

For More Details :

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