Simple Korean Cucumber Salad (Oi Muchim ????) #vegetables #veggies

Simple Korean Cucumber Salad (Oi Muchim ????) #vegetables #veggies

Korean Cucumber Salad – is the main name I could think of in English. Entertaining thing would i say i is, additionally made some hard memories with the Korean name as well - is it Oi Muchim (????) or is it Oi Saengche (????)? As you can most likely estimate, "oi" signifies cucumber. Be that as it may, at that point the following word originates from various starting points…

Along these lines, here's a short Korean language exercise. Did you realize that the Korean language jargon is comprised of two unique arrangements of words? One that starts from the Chinese characters (?? Hanja) which is called Sino-Korean jargon and afterward another that is "unadulterated" Korean that begins from Korean characters called Hangeul(??). The incomparable King Sejong made this phonetically based Korean letters in order Hangeul in 1443 in light of the fact that Koreans have their own communicated in language yet were acquiring Chinese characters to compose. "Lord Sejong clarified that the Korean language was on a very basic level not quite the same as Chinese; utilizing Chinese characters (known as hanja) to compose was so hard for the ordinary citizens that lone advantaged privileged people (yangban, ??) could peruse and compose smoothly. Most of Koreans were viably unskilled before the development of Hangul."(Wikipedia) I believe that is truly amazing.. isn't that right? ??

Thus, Muchim intends to 'coat/hurl in sauce" in unadulterated Korean. While Saengche originates from chinese word ?? which signifies 'live vegetables' rather than dead=cooked. Haha.. Indeed, at any rate, so my Korean cucumber plate of mixed greens formula can pass by both, oi muchim or oi saengche. I need to tell you that my formula isn't the basic Korean cucumber side dish formula where it is intensely covered in yangnyeom of bean stew powder and garlic. Those are great as well yet I like my Korean cucumber serving of mixed greens to have a lighter flavoring which permits the reviving taste of cucumbers to come through.


Simple Korean Cucumber Salad (Oi Muchim ????) #vegetables #veggies


  • 1 cucumber (Japanese, English, Persian, Pickling are all good) – about 1 1/2 cup sliced for 1 cucumber
  • 1 Tbs soy sauce (Jin Ganjang)
  • 2 Tbs rice vinegar
  • 1 Tbs sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Korean red chili powder
  • 1/4 tsp sesame seeds
  • 2 green onions , chopped


  1. Slice cucumbers into thin slices. Around 1/8 inch (3 mm).
  2. Mix soy sauce, vinegar and sugar in a bowl. Pour soy vinegar into the bowl with cucumbers.
  3. Then, add 1/2 tsp chili powder and sesame seeds. Mix and taste. Add more chili powder if you want. Doing it in this order allows you to taste and control the amount of chili powder based on how spicy you want it.
  4. Add chopped green onions and mix again.
  5. YOU ARE DONE!! Serve immediately for the most fresh and crunchy cucumber flavor. You can also let it sit for 10-15 minutes for the cucumbers to absorb the dressing before serving.

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